Since its creation in November 2014, the Online Recovery Program (ORP) has resulted in the safe return of 41 teenagers and five adults to their families throughout the United States. All assistance is provided to families on a volunteer basis, free of charge.

In most cases, our victims leave of their own volition — with another person — as a runaway, and may not realize the danger of the situation.  In many cases, local police agencies do not classify the individual’s disappearance as “urgent”, leaving loved ones unsure of where to turn for help. This can especially be true in cases of adults with mental or medical conditions, the homeless, veterans in crisis, and those who may have been duped by an online predator.

The ORP combines the power of various missing persons’ organizations with local media, advocates, private investigators, volunteers, and concerned citizens, all utilizing social media to saturate a missing person’s photo, description and last-known whereabouts. The only objective of the ORP is to safely locate the missing person. In many cases, the teen is dropped off at the entrance to a police, train or bus station, and Victims News Online makes arrangements to transport them home (if needed).

Below is a list of details we need to help expedite the ORP process: 

  • Victims’ name, age, and whereabouts at last known sighting
  • Photo(s) and physical description
  • Police contact information and/or case number, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) case number if the missing person is 17 or younger; NCIC number or NamUs case number (if law enforcement refuses to take a report and issue a case number, please let us know).
  • Written or digital consent of legal parent/guardian/agency to release minor’s information and likeness
  • Names and telephone numbers of closest friends and/or their parent/guardian
  • Relative’s written permission for uses of all photos for anyone 18 and over who qualifies for the ORP

For more information on the Online Recovery Program, please contact us via e-mail at:

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